Monday, August 11, 2014


There are some dear friends of ours who are going through a hard time in their lives and marriage. They are both wonderful, amazing people, and this seems to have come out of left field (although we are very outside the situation). It is a solemn reminder that no marriage is invincible. As Justin and I prayed for them, for reconciliation, and for God to make the wrongs right, we were reminded to pray for one another and our small family too. This was our dinner prayer, and as it ended and Justin headed for the tuna (alas, yes, I am serving tuna for dinner. We will all turn into cats... and then I'll be allergic to myself.), I warned him, "You're stuck with me, though, okay? I'm not going anywhere."

The Husband laughed, gave me a hug, and told me, "I was just about to say, 'Poor girl, you're stuck with me.'" We are stuck with one another. Which I am pretty okay with.

We are facing a hard ten months ahead. Due to the greed and selfishness of a select few and a host of political issues that I don't fully understand, Justin's school is closing. The doors shut at the close of business May 31st, 2015. My husband has a year and a half of classes that he still needs to take, so the faculty very graciously came up with a plan to squeeze it all in before then. It will be a hideous ten months. The volume of material to read/learn, the time in class, and the completion of clinical hours means he will be a ghost around our home, and for added fun, not able to work. We will be living on my income. We have already decided to cancel all gifts for each other, we are getting rid of every little extra, and we are trying to find ways to work more now.

As we head into this time I am beyond thankful to be stuck with such an amazing man. For him, because we see the Light at the end of the tunnel, I can do this. With God's power we will outlast. I am so excited to see the other side as we prepare for ministry and service on the mission field. I am excited to see the man my husband becomes, how my children grow, how I change. When it all ends, I am excited to sleep in sometimes, and have ESPN so we can watch Ute games and baseball!

It's not just the end I am looking forward to, however. That is the hope. But I know the next ten months are life too. In the next year there will be laughter I wouldn't trade for the world, and tears that break me down. There will be family, and friends, and work, and play. There will be Christmas with a Charlie Brown tree and two beautiful shining faces, glowing in its twinkling light. When we first decided this was the road we would take, I had in mind to squeeze my eyes shut, plunge on, and hope it all came out all right in the end. However, I realize there is too much to see in ten months. I will not spend the next year blind. I will spend it stuck. And happily, happily so.

1 comment:

  1. I told Troy that if he tried to leave me, I'd punch him HARD in the face. And I mean it. I totally punch like a wimpy girl but I will muster up something and sock him with great force if he ever tries to leave me. Let me know how we can help you while your husband is a hard working ghost.
