Friday, January 30, 2015


A few weeks ago Justin suggested that every week we should each make two goals for ourselves. Accomplishment of these herculean feats would result in a venturing out for delightful delicacies of some kind. (And since the Husband hasn't pulled a paycheck since October [despite the fact that he works harder than most of the population], Taco Bell and Chik-fil-a are the delicacies we are talking about.) These aren't global-axis-altering projects, just stuff we meant to do at one point six months ago and never got around to. My goals for last week were two and a half hours of Bible Study and making two scrapbook pages. I am starved for food that I don't have to cook, so I try to make my goals very attainable. If I said something like run for three hours every morning and develop a workable plan for the eradication of Ebola in West Africa, I wouldn't get my chalupa on Sunday. Priorities, folks. If you aim high you miss the nachos.

I saw a few days ago that my singularly sensational sister-in-law has a chalkboard up with goals for her family as well. Kiddos are not immune, and her trio of delightful munchkins have lofty objectives too. Her son's goal is to be kind to his sister. Her daughter's goal is to eat all of her dinner. And Baby Max's goal is to sleep through the night. While I find this brilliant, I cannot include the children in our goal making process; because I would like to get the chance to eat out at some point this year. If I did, I imagine our aims would look like this:

Justin: go running 3 times, 2 hours of Bible study
Abi: clean out the storage room, 2 hours of Pilates
Mr. Noah: Don't open-mouth kiss the bulldog, show a little backbone
Baby Hannah: Don't terrorize your brother, limit falls to one every ten seconds
Dumpster: be fat and lazy in more than one room of the house, don't eat anything that doesn't belong to you (including remote controls, gift bags, Christmas lights, shoes, measuring cups, and batteries)

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