Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Curiouser and curiouser

What a wiggle worm! I wish you could see my Little Man right now. He's laying on the edge of a large blanket surrounded by toys. The toys are serving not so much as amusement, but as speed bumps while he log rolls and wriggles across the nursery. I've twice already scooted him back onto the blanket, and twice he's almost collided with his swing. He is currently trying to assess the peculiar anatomy of a one-sided duck whose bottom half rattles like a snake... While trying to traverse, fittingly enough, a giant fuzzy snake blocking him on his blanket. And of course we are listening to Celtic Women. Not sure how that is related, but it seemed a useful note as long as we are setting the scene.

Little Man Noah cannot get enough information about the strange and marvelous world around him. If you ever find this world in the least bit dull, scoop up a six month old. I never before noticed how engaging my own socks are.

The trouble is, after a few seconds examination, a good slobbering on, and a swift thunk against the ol' noggin, Noah is convinced he knows everything about an object. And he wants another object to perfectly understand. He wiggles from discovery to discovery as if he were a cheetah cub in a world of mini gazelles.

Although as I say this he has been obsessed with the duck for the entire space of this post. And on his tummy even. Perhaps we have found the great riddle to occupy his ever-growing mind for a long enough period for mommy to finish half a thought... Nope, now he's trying to eat an airplane. Sigh.

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