Friday, April 12, 2013


I'm very shy. This may come as a shock to those who only read my blog. But it's true: take away my keyboard or my pen and paper, and suddenly I'm utterly, socially awkward. I don't know how to carry on conversations, and I am not terribly good at being friendly. Throughout my middle school / young adult life I was told that being quiet is a fault. No, being unable to experience reality in the way you want because you cannot engage people in dialogue is a fault. Being quiet is a rare gift. Those two things are very different.

The point is this: I'm rather fond of my sister-in-law. She probably doesn't know it, but I think she is sweet, and fun, and very bright. If I were capable of making friends, I think I would try to make friends with her.

And this is why. This appeared on her facebook page last week:

"Not much makes me more upset than being told I'm a grumpy pregnant lady. Maybe, just maybe, I'm grumpy because you're a Weiner, and I just so happen to be pregnant at the same time?"

1 comment:

  1. This may quite possibly be the sweetest thing anyone has ever done or written for me. I am so blessed to call you my sister and friend.
