Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring Rain

The drought has ended. The spring rain of baseballs has returned to soak our dry and weary land with their precious entertainment-giving flood.

The end of college bowl games to opening night of the MLB season is the sports dead zone. Absolutely nothing of interest to decent sort of folk. I've heard rumors of something called March Madness. The only madness is that this kind of basketball-ish behavior can persist for an entire month. Just play a final and end it. I know the NBA is playing. But in terms of real sports, nothing what-so-ever of interest.

(If you are a basketball fan, you must understand I never had a chance. At the tender young age when wee lasses are so impressionable [which I recognize is almost every age] I hugged my friend dearly as she sobbed in her little golden tutu. Her daddy decided to go to watch the Utah Jazz in the NBA finals instead of coming to see his baby girl dance in her ballet recital. I immediately concluded that any sport which could cause human beings to be so callous to their own little princesses could not have any value to the human race. I now know that people go to football games instead of their son's little league games, I know they flock to the stands of baseball games as young tuba players look expectantly to the audience hoping mommy might come. But basketball suffers one further blow to it's morality: it has LeBron James and Kobe Bryant. With such upstanding individuals as the stars of a culture, I don't understand how anyone who attends a basketball game can really stand to look at themselves in the mirror the next day.) Cause I'm not dramatic at all.

But the drought has ended. And with what a glorious rain: Boston leading the AL East with 5 and 2! What brilliant hope! Noah is thrilled too as you can see.

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